
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On Being Gone and Being Back

So this whole blog thing... ha!  It's been a little while, and I can throw that one in the uninspired pile of excuses. 

But lucky me, I decided that I don't owe anyone anything on this blog, so I don't even have to feel guilty about not posting for a few weeks. 

The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster of states of health... as in... I have been sick more this year than the last several that I can remember.  In the last 5 weeks, I've been sick for 3 of it, and the other 2 weeks, I feel like I've been moving non-stop.

It occurred to me yesterday that perhaps I have a small form of mono and that my other sickness (2 colds and a stomach virus) were the result of a lowered immune system because of mono.  But you know what?  I will probably never know.  Because I simply detest doctors.

The last several times I've visited the doctor, I've be sent away with not much more than an "everything looks good!  But here's a sleeping pill, just in case you want it."  Never mind that there were symptoms out the wazoo.  (Which apparently is how you spell that because I didn't get that annoying red squiggly under "wazoo.")  Never mind that there is obviously some sort of internal problem with my sleeping among other things that were reoccurring, which frankly, are none of your business what they were.  I'm fairly certain that last sentence's verb tenses and moods are totally out of whack.

Anyway... so here I am, with another cold, self medicating with carrot juice, airborne and NyQuil.  Oh, and breathe right strips, too.  Those things are the holy grail of breathing.  Even still, I find myself asking... just how much mucous can one head create? 

And really, what better way to end a post than with that question?

Comment fodder:  just how much mucous can one head create?

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