
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In the Quiet

I woke up at 4:30ish today.

At some point during the day, I realize I'll be dragging, but right now, I'm enjoying the silence. Morning is the only time I really have that I can sit and take my time -- think, read, plan, drink coffee.

The other time that I have is the night, but there's always a little bit of weight hanging over it because I get stuck in that middle ground of not feeling quite tired enough to sleep, but knowing that I'll be sorry in the morning if I don't try. I usually watch some TV at night, so I have that same "stuck between" issue with that. The TV show helps me unwind, distracts me from the worries of the day. But also pours flickering light into my eyes, which sleep websites say keep me from sleeping deeply.

I used to not watch TV.

When Billy and I met, got married, and lived the next 9 years of our life together, we didn't have a TV with any shows on it. We didn't have cable, and not even an antenna for the local channels. We had a small TV and a VCR/DVD combo player. A few years down the road, we got a bigger TV. Then we got Amazon prime, but I rarely used it because it's not really user friendly. I still don't use it very much.

Regardless, when we moved to California, a friend started to let us use her Netflix account, and that was it. I was done. Over. Completely regressed into my childhood of sitting in front of the TV for hours.

Binging on shows was (still can be) a huge time zap for me. I know I'm not the only one, but I still don't like it. I've been trying over the couple of months to be more intentional about how I use my time... and my brain.

I've been reading at least 15 minutes a day, along with working 2 hours and doing household tasks for 2 hours. More recently, I cracked open the old Spanish learning tools (which are actually pretty heavy on TV shows, crazy enough). My biggest obstacle in Spanish is listening comprehension. I read well and can speak and write in simple, but effective Spanish. But listening is rough, and it's very hard for native speakers to be able to slow down enough to accommodate me. So, 15 minutes a day of Spanish listening. I work out daily, go on daily walks with Billy, and try to spend time each day in Bible reading and meditation/prayer.

This doesn't leave a lot of time for TV, honestly. But that hasn't stopped me from watching almost an entire season of Orange is the New Black in a weekend.

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