
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Relationships and Consumerism

So, sometime in November, I started writing for a blog called 100 Thing Challenge.  I was so excited (still am) to join in with this because the creator of the 100TC is someone who I've respected for quite a while, as I've followed his blog for several years.  Only a couple of bloggers can claim that honorable distinction.

The 100TC was started when Dave Bruno decided to challenge himself to live with just 100 personal items for a year... including clothes (although he did lump all undergarments together as 1 item... whew!)

But the purpose was to find ways to enjoy life without relying on excessive consumerism.   So, it's right up my alley, since I'm always trying to get by with less.

I've been posting there once a week or so, and it's been fun.  It's given me some focus of what to write about, and it's also given me some things to really think about in my own life, too.  Since December, when I wrote there about the story of Advent, I've really been thinking a lot about relationships and how our attitudes towards consumption infiltrate our attitudes toward people.

So, I guess this post is really just a post to ask you to go read my other recent post and then post a comment over there letting me know what you think. 

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