
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In the Meantime...

The other day, I quasi-promised myself and you (my loyal 2 readers) that I would get my rear in gear this week and move forward in this new year, new life mentality.  That is, I will take it from a thought to an action.  How I will do that is still a question for debate, but right now I'm giving myself the continued excuse of waiting for a book to come in at my library that should revolutionize the way I look at writing and, shortly thereafter, change my entire existence.  One of these days I will write that kind of book.

But for now, I thought I would just give you a glimpse into today.  This dull-drum day that begin at 6:10 when I miraculously arose in accordance with my alarm clock.  Actually, this isn't so miraculous these days, as there is a simple explanation, which I will share in the form of another sarcastic post on another day.  For now, you need know nothing except that I arose.  And from that you should be proud of me.

Well, I'm proud of myself anyway.  You probably don't really like me telling you what you should or should not know, feel, or do.  If you do like it, um, that's a little weird.

The day quickly, and for no reason whatsoever, met a not-so-subtle decrescendo after Billy left for work.  Today, I took it as my queue to be completely self-centered and to neglect the fact that I alone am responsible for my child's education.  Me and no one else.  And I just let my kid sleep until she awoke on her own.  Mainly because I wasn't up for a fight.  Which is a large portion of why we are sending her to school next year (ooops, hadn't you heard that yet?)

So, I was well aware that I was only affirming her negative habits, but that knowledge wasn't enough for me to change my course of action.  I am happy to say, however, that I did not get on facebook and play Pet Rescue Saga.  So, I have that going for me, which is nice.  In reality, I planned my outing to CVS because shopping there on a budget takes some serious manipulation.

And that was my morning.  The girl eventually woke up and we got along with our day, still somewhat lethargically, but at least we did enough to technically count it for credit according to bare minimum state standards. 

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