
Thursday, May 29, 2014

In For the Night

Aaahhhhhh.... It's 6:19pm, and I'm in my pajamas because I, my friends, am in for the night.  To me, there are a few feelings in the world that I relish... a few moments that encapsulate the beauty of living. The sense of awe (and conversely, humility) that comes with thunderstorms, the unity found in the arms of my husband around me when I know I just can't do this alone, and the peace of slipping my PJs on while it is still light outside because I know I don't have to leave the house again.

I guess not everyone functions like I do.  There are those who jump at the chance for any and all social activity.  There are people who would even change out of pajamas to go out and partake in a spontaneous invitation.  But not me... I find so much satisfaction in the knowledge that I am done for the day.  I'm not sure what it says about me, honestly.

It doesn't say that I'm anti-social.  I actually like people quite a bit. It's just that it takes a lot of energy to interact with them... even with my good friends who I would actually put clothes back on for if they showed up in town and wanted to hang out.  More likely, though, they would understand that I don't really want to put clothes on, and they would have just as good a time drinking decaf in my living room.

I think it's impossible to be anti-social* while also being a stay-at-home mom.  I don't think a woman who was truly did enjoy people could handle it.  If I were anti-social, I would definitely go seek work in some factory or geek center where I could hole up in my cubicle and write code all day.  Assuming that becoming anti-social means that loud, repetitive noise would stop bothering and/or looking at a screen all day would stop giving me headaches.  Because those are both really good reasons to not take that kind of job.

You know what, though?  I'm not into really figuring out what my habits say about me tonight.  I'm more concerned with enjoying a little down time after a really busy (albeit fun) week.  The kids and I have knocked this summer thing out of the park this week, which may just mean I've set up an impossible standard for myself, but I'm going to pretend that it is a forecasting that this summer will be awesome!

*I'm not talking about the personality disorder.  I really don't know much about that.  If you do, good on you!  Please keep your information to yourself.  I'm using the term in the vernacular.  Gimme a break!

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