So, a couple days ago we had this little incident. Or rather large incident that turned out okay in the end. It's all about perspective, I guess.
We were outside. I was enjoying the fresh air and reading a book. It's something I do often. Amazing how outdoor play provides me with the kid-free moments I strive so hard toward. The kids enjoy riding their bikes and scooters along our ridiculously long, though somewhat narrow, patio.
Then I heard a clatter. I jumped up to see what was the matter. Actually, no I didn't. I actually internally rolled my eyes because I knew that Brian had fallen, as he likes to do. I don't even think I flinched.
It was only when I heard crying that I glanced up, about to tell him to suck it up and move on. Don't judge me, the kid is constantly crying over little things. It's his first response.
(Note to self: The moral to the story from "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is true.)
(Note to self 2: Try to stop using cynicism as your first response. It is probably more unattractive than a little kid crying. But I probably can't stop this.)
Unfortunately, when I looked up there was some blood. Just a tad. And double unfortunately, by the time we got inside, there was more blood. As in tons. Pouring out of his mouth uncontrollably. If you need a mental picture think of trying to stop water from a fire hose with a paper towel. This was the effectiveness of my attempts to reign in the bleeding.
Blood was on the kitchen floor. Yum.
It got on the carpeted steps. Not so bad since in blends in and hello! we don't eat there.
This is getting long, and I'm afraid you will all be sorely disappointed at the anti-climactic destination of this verbal journey. Anyway... here we go.
I called the dentist's office, which was closed on a Thursday at 1:30. Apparently, they take a freakishly late lunch. So, I called the emergency number, which then paged a dentist who never returned my call. "Hi! I'm a mom with a kid bleeding to death in the bathroom, but please, just finish your Chinese buffet before tending to me!"
Meanwhile child is leaning over the bathroom sink so blood can pour directly down the drain. We are attempting ice, but it's not going so well.
Finally, after another unsuccessful call, I decided that they should be back from lunch at 2, and I drove to the office. We waited about 1/2 hour, but since the bleeding had slowed to a crawl, it was okay.
And the mouth is okay, too. One tooth was knocked back, but was not loose, and it actually corrected itself over night. So, now we just have a swollen lip and purplish grey gums. I will spare you the pictures.
(I actually didn't take pictures because... I'm sorry... but once this heals, I never want to look at it again.)
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