
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Too Old to Care

So this evening I had a little reprieve from motherhood and found myself alone in the car.  I go there often just to be kid-free.  I crouch down in the backseat where no one can find me and dip Nutter Butters in my latte.  That's not true.  I don't even like lattes.

I was actually on my way to my missional community/small group/connect group/E-group/name of the month for the event at which 15 or so people that gather weekly to share a meal and be involved with each other's physical and spiritual lives. 

And I (gasp!) turned the station away from the Christian music that we normally endure/sing along with at the top of our lungs.  It really just depends on the day and how judgmental I am feeling.

I found this station that was playing "Somebody I Used to Know" by Gotye (warning creepy content in that link).  So, I stopped.  The station surfing, not the car.  It wasn't that monumental.

The next song that came on was "Every Breathe You Take" by the only man that I would marry if Billy died prematurely.  I was pretty pumped. 

And then I almost cried.  Because the announcer got on and told me I was listening to Lite 96.9, the best variety of the 80's, 90's, and today.  And it confirmed what I'd already started to expect.  I am old.

On this topic, I may as well confess that realizing my elderly status happened earlier today while applying my makeup.  As I leaned in to blend a spot of foundation, I saw a grey hair that needed plucked.  This is not a big deal.  I've had some of these making appearances for a couple of years.  I've gotten over it, the same way I've gotten over telling a roomful of mid-twenties kids that I'm actually solidly in my 30's and that story I told you about when I was 5th grade? Yeah, that was in the 80's.

Back to the hair.  This morning it was a new issue.  It was the fact that after I plucked one grey hair, I quickly noticed 5 more.  As I began to tackle them, 3 more popped into view.  Soon enough it was apparent.  I have too much grey hair to pluck.  Which makes it almost official... I'm too old to dye my hair.  Because I decided a long time ago that I would not dye my hair for the rest of my life.  But that I would grow old gracefully and take the grey hair as a sign of wisdom or something honorable like that.

So, you know what I did on the way home from small group?  I listened to Eric Clapton on 96.9, and it was glorious.

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