
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Present and Thanksgivings Past

There are two times in the year when you will find me making something with Velveeta chesse product in it.  And this just so happens to be one of those times.  Any guesses on the other one?

I make my green bean casserole a little bit differently than most recipes you see, by simply adding some cubed Velveeta.  It is an amazing difference. 

I also happen to cover the whole freaking thing in the fried onion rings.  That is not how the picture on the container shows you to do it.  And let me tell you, if you follow the picture on the container... you are missing out.  I love the onion rings.

The last two years, I haven't done anything for Thanksgiving.  I mean, I celebrated and ate, but we were blessed to have two different families invite us over and lavish food on us without requiring a thing in return.

2 years ago today, I was just returning from a 10-day trip to India.  And my beautiful friend Carissa asked us to please come over and rest while she provided Thanksgiving for us. 

Last year, we gave thanks with a house full of people from around the world.  Well, okay.  Just people from the US and Ghana.  But it was still fun.  That was hosted by the amazing Ruby. 

So, this year, after two years off of cooking, I'm excited to be having my dad come down to celebrate with us and to cook the spread. 

Preparations started today.  The Velveeta has been cubed.

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